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Old 09-18-2011, 08:27 AM   #16
Dave   Dave is offline
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Will the USA survive?

Originally Posted by WOMPUS
We have one chance to change that. In 2012.
I don't understand how an election will change anything. If the Republicans controlled all 3 branches of the government, does anyone really think there would be any changes? Oh sure, they'd toss us a few bones and we'll think they're doing something but in reality it will be nothing new.

This country has loss it path in life. We've got more people in prison per capita than any other nation in the world and we keep calling ourselves free. What freedom? I can not think of too many things we can do where there is neither a law or regulation in place telling us we can not do it.

We've got politicians preaching about creating jobs. Just how to hell does a Government create "non -government" jobs? They can not! All they can do is create an environment (IE: Taxes and regulations) that are friendly towards private enterprise. But that will never happen because they've got everyone's up in arms about and I quote, "Corporate greed." Or how many times have we heard, "Pay their fair share?" That one makes me shiver like fingernails on a chalk board.

We've been invade by illegal from south of the boarder that are just draining our system. And what do we have, politician refuging to enforce our laws. Mind you they're the same laws that previous politicians created. When ever someone starts to talk about this one, here come the mother of all trump cards, Racism!

Change in 2012? B.S.

In 2013 we'll be posting, "We have one chance to change that. In 2014."

You want change? There's really only one way.

Don't start the revolution without me!

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Old 09-18-2011, 10:14 AM   #17
markclark57   markclark57 is offline
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Will the USA survive?

Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by WOMPUS
We have one chance to change that. In 2012.
In 2013 we'll be posting, "We have one chance to change that. In 2014."

You want change? There's really only one way.

Don't start the revolution without me!
With that in mind, make sure you OWN the things you have.
There's a "chance" that you might get to keep the things that you do not "Owe in order to possess" if the whole country gets financially re-organized.

2006 Vulcan 1600 Classic "George III" (Patricia's)
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Old 09-18-2011, 02:03 PM   #18
glwilson   glwilson is offline
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Will the USA survive?

I do laugh at anyone that believes the government can create jobs; or that believes higher-taxes create jobs. I suggest you take some spare-time and learn the basics of economics 101 -- period.

I also laugh at those who believe the "worker" creates jobs. They don't. They did not start the business they work-for nor did they put their money at risk in the event of failure to maintain the business -- so a "worker" to expect a large-share of the profits is just morally wrong and unfair. There... I said it.

When SS was created there were somewhere around 30-40 workers supporting each person receiving benefits. It is a far-cry from that number now. Game's over on that scheme for the grandchildren. Hope the grandma's and grandpa's are happy demanding their "right" to do that to these young people. Hey, man-up. You got screwed by all politicians... and guess who voted for them for all these years? Ha! That's right... the grandma's and grandpa's. Harsh... isn't it? ...but not as harsh as it will be for the grandchildren. If they could understand and speak about it now... you'd get an earful.

Liberals want to claim the Rep's are protecting the rich. Really? How about the Dem's? (all multi-millionnaires by the way) How about the recent scandal from the white house giving the "solar-company" over $500 million against growing evidence of being advised not to. Well... Obama, Biden and the rest put your tax-dollars down the drain... all for the purpose of supporting one of their political billionaires and a "photo-op". Geez... give me a break. Someone needs to go to prison for that... and I can only hope it happens.

Now... lastly... I laugh (out loud) at anyone that defends our government's spending of our money. When did the government ever show prudence, fiduciary responsibility, or fiscal prowess in spending our money? They haven't and there will be no evidence of it -- ever. If anything, our government is the perfect model of how to "blow-money" on political self-interests -- period. All parties included.

About taxes... drop those complaints... even if you took all the money the wealthiest in the U.S. makes in a year... you would fall months short of paying our annual bills -- which is represented by the excessive spending by our political system.

You might be surprised at how little you miss big government.


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Old 09-18-2011, 02:13 PM   #19
AlabamaNomadRider   AlabamaNomadRider is offline
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Will the USA survive?

It has been years since I was in school and took economics, government and any other courses. I have forgotten most of that by now. I would just like to know how you can stop the idiots in Washington from spending our tax dollars on anything they want. If I spent like that I would be in prison now. If I overspent and then had to borrow money to pay what I owe there would come a time I couldn't pay my bills. I am sure I couldn't just keep borrowing money to pay it. These clowns have got to be stopped before it is too late, if it isn't already.

Gene Cross, Jr.
Boaz, Alabama
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Old 09-18-2011, 02:18 PM   #20
Dave   Dave is offline
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Will the USA survive?

Originally Posted by AlabamaNomadRider
. These clowns have got to be stopped before it is too late, if it isn't already.
Don't start the revolution with out me!

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Old 09-18-2011, 03:19 PM   #21
audiogooroo   audiogooroo is offline
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Will the USA survive?

Originally Posted by glwilson
I do laugh at anyone that believes the government can create jobs; or that believes higher-taxes create jobs. I suggest you take some spare-time and learn the basics of economics 101 -- period.

I also laugh at those who believe the "worker" creates jobs. They don't. The did not start the business they work-for nor did they put their money at risk in the event of failure to maintain the business -- so a "worker" to expect a large-share of the profits is just morally wrong and unfair. There... I said it.

When SS was created there were somewhere around 30-40 workers supporting each person receiving benefits. It is a far-cry from that number now. Game's over on that scheme for the grandchildren. Hope the grandma's and grandpa's are happy demanding their "right" to do that to these young people. Hey, man-up. You got screwed by all politicians... and guess who voted for them for all these years? Ha! That's right... the grandma's and grandpa's. Harsh... isn't it?

Liberals want to claim the Rep's are protecting the rich. Really? How about the Dem's? (all multi-millionnaires by the way) How about the recent scandal from the white house giving the "solar-company" over $500 million against growing evidence of being advised not to. Well... Obama, Biden and the rest put your tax-dollars down the drain... all for the purpose of supporting one of their political billionaires and a "photo-op". Geez... give me a break. Someone needs to go to prison for that... and I can only hope it happens.

Now... lastly... I laugh (out loud) at anyone that defends our government's spending of our money. When did the government ever show prudence, fiduciary responsibility, or fiscal prowess in spending our money? They haven't and there will be no evidence of it -- ever. If anything, our government is the perfect model of how to "blow-money" on political self-interests -- period. All parties included.

About taxes... drop those complaints... even if you took all the money the wealthiest in the U.S. makes in a year... you would fall months short of paying our annual bills -- which is represented by the excessive spending by our political system.

You might be surprised at how little you miss big government.
Right said!

Audiogooroo - Daryl Porter
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Old 09-18-2011, 03:21 PM   #22
glwilson   glwilson is offline
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Will the USA survive?

Someone mentioned the latest "brain-storm" from Obama... his Jobs Bill. Ha! How hilarious that is! The spending of money is all this guy can come up with... and we all know how well that worked, and who actually ended-up with huge amounts of it! LOL! Really... give me a break here folks. If you worked for me and the only ideas you could come up with is for me to spend more money... I would fire you immediately -- especially when I found out your billionaire buddy and political supporter received $500 million for a company that was known to be failing! Geez... really...

He claims he'll correct the unemployment with this bill. The problem is that it isn't designed to employ the sector of people representing the largest segment of the unemployed -- those that lost their jobs building houses or related to the housing market. House carpenters, dry-wall installers, electricians, cabinet-makers and on and on. This bill is going to employ the union-trades that make roads and bridges -- not the house-building segment. The roads & bridges segment represents a very small section of the unemployed. So how is this bill going to help unemployment? It simply isn't and I'll be around for anyone that wants to shove it down my throat if it works. I'll be here patiently waiting... but not holding my breath for anyone to be able to do that. It will go down in history (if passed by idiots) as another check down the drain... unless you are of course the unions that will see the bulk of this money.

Lastly, people in the U.S. have been fed a line of cr@p and led to believe the government CAN solve our problems. It cannot. History is filled repeatedly with case after case where the government has actually caused more economic problems and strife than would likely have ever had occurred if they had done nothing. The government (mostly democratic programs and policies) created the housing/credit bubble. No one that studies the scenario can deny that. There are plenty of fingers that can be pointed to plenty of others, but the root of the problem started with our government's belief they can socially engineer our society. It failed miserably and now there are people that want to give more support to these very same individuals? What? You have to be kidding me? Seriously...

We need our government to do less... not more.

How can anyone demonstrate at least one very good and large example where a government spending program was truly effective for the long-term with regard to unemployment? I am not talking about temporary projects... but sustainable jobs. Jobs that can last more than a single project or budget. Jobs that continue for one's career.

I am waiting for that great, historic example, as I might have slept through my economic classes on that short segment. I doubt it though. No, now that I think long and hard about it, I am sure there isn't an example. I didn't sleep during my economics classes.

People have been led to believe our government can fix-problems. Instead, get a grip... they only cause problems. Again... they caused the housing/credit bubble -- thus pending "great-recession" -- period!

Our problem now is that we have a default in our political system. No politician was ever elected by saying they were going to have people "earn their keep"; or that they plan on reducing the "pork" they bring home, or that they will reduce a program because of any evidence it doesn't work.

Instead it is the exact opposite. They only get elected when they "bring home the bacon"; and they win votes from those standing there with their hands held-out.

No... we don't need bigger government, we need smaller government. We need less people crying about how unfair "life" is and that we should create an environment of complete economic fairness.

No... we need more people crying out about creating an environment of equal opportunity -- not equal prosperity.

Even when Russia was a Communistic country... they had poor people. That's right! Poor people! Even with government issued clothes, food and shelter... you still had some that found a way to be poorer than the average! How does that happen? Ha! Because people are people... you are always going to have the "have-nots" and the "haves".

Our country was founded on... equal opportunity and freedom from the treachery of big-government -- not less opportunity and bigger government! So for those that support a bigger/fatter government ladened with more pork-programs, and handouts... then you are part of what will put this country into the history books of the past.

If you continue to pay for poverty (welfare); then you should expect to continue to receive it... and so far, we have. Poverty is a self-sustaining fact for all societies... whether you pay for it or not. So why pay for it?

How about promoting one's personal self-improvement? You know... like training a dog. Only reward the dog when it does what it needs to do... otherwise no rewards.

Train the dog to earn its keep and it will. If you feed your dog and give it treats even when it doesn't do what you want it to do... then you'll be sorely disappointed at its performance (or lack of). People are no different... pay them to do nothing... and you likely will get what you ask for. Enable anyone to do less... and only a fool would expect a see them do more. This is fairly simple logic. Just think of your kids... or grandkids. If you support them to do nothing; they likely did nothing... and now you're likely paying the price with grief. People are no different. Our programs have proven to be failures at solving the problems they are designed to resolve. Please let me know if I have missed a "prime-success" example.

I cannot believe there are many promoting, defending, or campaigning for higher taxes and a bigger government that do not have an self-interest agenda in doing so. Either they get their "checks" from the government; or in some way profit financially or through a program provided by the government.

Otherwise, how could someone looking at the hard-facts at our government's wasteful use of our money... which has proven to be criminal many times over -- and has again most recently with Obama's $500 mil solar-energy scandal -- say they have been great stewards of the taxpayers' money.

And now Obama needs more money? As if the last several billion worked so well... wonder what political supporter is getting that money? Oh yeah... his union supporters! I simply forgot. LOL! Can anyone say... crony-capitalism? Yes... the exact same party that was crying aloud about crony capitalism with the Rep's now has to face the facts that their party is exactly the same.

Our problem repeated... is that government is too big and makes multi-millionaires of our politicians.

My bet... get government out of the way and our recessionary recovery-process will start within 12-months. It will still take a full decade to dig-out from it... but at least it will have started. At present... it is clearly going backwards... as the hard-data supports.


"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

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Old 09-18-2011, 04:04 PM   #23
markclark57   markclark57 is offline
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Will the USA survive?

WoW, nice book Greg. You should be one of the politicians.

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Old 09-18-2011, 04:05 PM   #24
NRiderUSA   NRiderUSA is offline
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"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
1946 George Orwell
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Old 09-18-2011, 04:18 PM   #25
markclark57   markclark57 is offline
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Greg for President. . . You could run under the KawaNow Party. . . Or at least a Rally.

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Old 09-18-2011, 05:30 PM   #26
canedriver   canedriver is offline
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Will the USA survive?

I don't know about campaigning for higher taxes as much as I am campaigning for equal it fair share taxes.

I laugh at people who blame the housing bust on democrats. While the blame is on both sides of the aisle it's firmly entrenched on the republican side due to them fighting any kind of wall street reform.

Might want to look into the tax rates on credit swaps and credit portfolio trades. It's next to nothing. It's why bad debt (knowingly) was bought relabeled as win win and sold again countless times. Why do you lose as a big bank investor? Nothing because the govt will bail you out should you fail.

With regards to workers wanting more of the pie without any risk. It's not wanting more f the pie per say. It's wanting more money from companies getting kick backs from the government.

Look into the part time business model more and more businesses are going to. Why employ 3 full time employees and pay benefits when you can employ 6 part time workers and pay none? It increases the bottom line. It's one if the biggest problems we face and everyone is is to blame.
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Old 09-18-2011, 05:58 PM   #27
glwilson   glwilson is offline
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Will the USA survive?

I am honestly not trying to be offensive in my rants on the troubles of our country; but people of all types and stations in life are suffering with the results of what our government has provided.

We all have be screwed-over by our government's meddling in the economy and our personal affairs and currently we are living with the results of their "meddling" -- point blank.

I, simply, cannot continue to sit to the wayside and allow others to demand we give more to these people (politicians); and expect that magically they will actually do something they haven't been able to accomplish over 235 years. Only a fool would think "things have changed".

While some rant about corporations or corporate leaders as being the cause of the problem -- well... they are not directly the problem. It is our current political system -- period. Just look at how politicians get elected and the cost to do so. It's no wonder they have to pander to those with money!

To those that blame corporations, I personally feel sorry for you; especially when you defend bigger government -- the only system that could with a stroke of a pen put an end to this nonsense and destruction.

Defending the government at this point is a description of insanity in my opinion. The U.S. Government is every bit as bad as any example of corporate greed I have ever known, and in reality is likely far worse.

Again... beware of anyone defending our government's ability to provide solutions; and those that wish for bigger government... as they likely have an agenda that is going to cost you. ;)

"Continue to pay for poverty and you should expect to continue to receive it."

"You might be surprised at how much you won't miss big-government."

"It's not what your country can do for YOU; but what YOU can do for your country." (What happened to that attitude in America?)

"The only thing the government has done well is to convince its voters they can directly create jobs and solve problems... that is unless you want to add-in convincing people that paying more taxes improves their ability to do these things."

"Politicians are voted-in by fools... so be careful. When a politician wins big, that should be telling you something important.

"I cannot think of one program created by politicians that has actually successfully solved over the long-term what it is designed to solve. If it were a business we would no longer remember its name. Unfortunately in the U.S. bridges are built and named after the politicians creating these programs. I would suggest you hope the bridge was designed, built, and maintained better than these programs were/are."

"If you ever want to know what the true cost of free advice is... just try using it." ;)


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"You can have your own opinion, but not your own facts."

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Old 09-18-2011, 06:07 PM   #28
glwilson   glwilson is offline
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Oh... by the way... the largest Wall Street contributor to Obama's campaign was Goldman. You know... that is funny how that worked out; but none the less... despite the fact Wall Street is known to be more Democratic than Republican... so don't tell me who tying who's shoes here... ;) The Dem's are in-bed with "Wall Street" as much as anyone, if not more.

Now... for your other statement about the credit crisis ("great recession") being a republican-caused problem? LOL!

Yes... blame can go around to all parties; but if you read what I stated; I said the root of the problem is the government's meddling in societal re-engineering -- and "yes" the dirt on the roots begin with the democrats.

***The previous post this is in response to was deleted by the poster.***


"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

"You can have your own opinion, but not your own facts."

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Old 09-18-2011, 06:15 PM   #29
AlabamaNomadRider   AlabamaNomadRider is offline
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Will the USA survive?

Someone on here needs to resize their signature pictures. I am having to scroll left and right to read anything. Would love to be able to read what everyone is saying but am just tired of moving back and forth. Please resize, and I won't call any members name. You may have noticed this yourself. Please help us all out.

Gene Cross, Jr.
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Old 09-18-2011, 07:19 PM   #30
BudMan   BudMan is offline
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Will the USA survive?

Originally Posted by AlabamaNomadRider
Someone on here needs to resize their signature pictures. I am having to scroll left and right to read anything. Would love to be able to read what everyone is saying but am just tired of moving back and forth. Please resize, and I won't call any members name. You may have noticed this yourself. Please help us all out.
Agreed ;)

Dave Jesse
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