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cnc 01-18-2010 01:28 PM

Welcome To The Eastern Canada Nomads Board
Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board. I am sure that most of you who were in a habit of frequenting the Canadian board were surprised to find it now divided into two regions. Our numbers are growing and it is felt that having an Eastern and Western region will better serve KawaNow and it's Canadian members now and in the future.
From where I am located, We usually think of Eastern Canada as the Maritime Provinces, in this case the Eastern Board includes everywhere in Canada east of the Manitoba / Ontario border. If you live in this area, this is your home so to speak on the KawaNow forum. It is what we all make of it, so I invite you to visit and post what ever is on your mind. We also have as a group the ability to help make our numbers grow and decide how, where and when we might organize events in our area.

garyo4 01-18-2010 01:43 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
ahhhh, home at last!
Here's wishing all the best for the Eastern Region.

ringadingh 01-18-2010 01:45 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
Congratulations and thank you for being willing to take on the task of looking after eastern Canada. We;ll have to have meetcha halfway or something one day and have a coffee maybe in the Kingston area, thats approx halfway for us and not a bad distance for a decent ride.

cnc 01-18-2010 02:01 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
Gary-o Well, I think We are off to a good start.
Hey I may be down your way next summer (2011) on the Nomad. Last year was Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. this year coming summer We hope to tour PEI and more of Nova Scotia

cnc 01-18-2010 02:10 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
Thanks Ring, and congratulations on your promotion. I'm sure both Rick on the Western board and myself here will, have lots of questions for you.
Kingston sounds like a good idea, I'm up there quite often.

caper 01-18-2010 04:03 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
Hey Norm Congrats on the appointment buddy!!

fish 01-18-2010 04:34 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
Congratulations cnc. sounds like the northeast rally is going to have some important people from north of the boarder
That is some title that Steve has, I hope it doesn't go his head or he won't get his helmet on

cnc 01-18-2010 06:08 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board


Originally Posted by fish
Congratulations cnc. sounds like the northeast rally is going to have some important people from north of the boarder

And when We get our act together and have a rally up this way I hope all you Northeast folks will come crash our party!

rickyboy 01-18-2010 06:27 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
I want to express my congratulations to you Norm, for being chosen by the staff,
to be the "Eastern Regional Leader of Canada". I haven't met you personally but have dealt with you on a small business level and chatted with you online, and have found you to be an upstanding person. I don't know of anyone else IMO that would fit this position better. I look fwd. to working together with you when ever the occasion calls for it.
All the best to the Eastern Canadian members and you.

oledawg 01-18-2010 06:41 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board


Originally Posted by cnc

Originally Posted by fish
Congratulations cnc. sounds like the northeast rally is going to have some important people from north of the boarder

And when We get our act together and have a rally up this way I hope all you Northeast folks will come crash our party!

That's something you can ABSOLUTELY count on! ;)
Congratulations on your new Promotion.

ringadingh 01-18-2010 08:05 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board


Originally Posted by caper
Hey Norm Congrats on the appointment buddy, I am not sure how Ontario will like to be in the Eastern .......Canada LOL

It wont bother anyone in Ontario one bit to be included in the east. When Trip and I were discussing some of the details about choosing the regions he suggested a central region for Quebec,Ontario and possibly Manitoba. Since there are very few active members in those provinces to warrant a seperate region we decided to split Canada into east and west for now. If the membership grows someday to warrant another region we'll look at it then. Im kinda looking forward to having a ralley one day and meeting up with all of you.
Doing the Cabot Trail is on my list, I did it a few years ago but its not the same with a thirty foot motor home.
For a lot of us in Ontario its easier to travel east, because of the distance and time away from work. I can be in Sydney in 17-18 hours, whereas its almost 24 hours to get to the Manitoba border from here.
I love it out west but just can't get enough time to get out there in the near future.

cnc 01-18-2010 08:40 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board


Originally Posted by Ringadingh

Originally Posted by caper
Hey Norm Congrats on the appointment buddy, I am not sure how Ontario will like to be in the Eastern .......Canada LOL

It wont bother anyone in Ontario one bit to be included in the east. When Trip and I were discussing some of the details about choosing the regions he suggested a central region for Quebec,Ontario and possibly Manitoba. Since there are very few active members in those provinces to warrant a seperate region we decided to split Canada into east and west for now. If the membership grows someday to warrant another region we'll look at it then. Im kinda looking forward to having a ralley one day and meeting up with all of you.
Doing the Cabot Trail is on my list, I did it a few years ago but its not the same with a thirty foot motor home.
For a lot of us in Ontario its easier to travel east, because of the distance and time away from work. I can be in Sydney in 17-18 hours, whereas its almost 24 hours to get to the Manitoba border from here.

I love it out west but just can't get enough time to get out there in the near future.

Now there's an idea for a for future rally, a weeks run down to The Cabot Trail and back. Members can join in all the way down as we get near them.

ringadingh 01-19-2010 09:37 AM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board


Originally Posted by caper
Sorry Ring , It was a line I wish I had never typed :( One of those quick lines you wish you never said or in this case typed!!

Don't worry about it one bit, I know how you meant it.
No harm done. ;)

garyo4 01-24-2010 11:01 AM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
A Cabot Trail trip/rally sounds like a great idea!

vulcanguy 01-28-2010 01:19 PM

Welcome to the Eastern Canada Nomads Board
Hi all
:) :)
I live in Aylmer, (Quebec) just west over the Ottawa River. This east/west thing in my own opinion is a gr8 idea! regarding the Cabot Trail, I did it in August 2008, loved it & would do it again...
Maybe we could organise a "Get together" to riders from Ottawa & surrounding areas & from that, get to meet other riders from the "east"....

Congrats Norm!!!
Cheers all


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