View Full Version : Winter safety

12-30-2007, 04:35 PM
If you are ever in a slide off on the interstate or a major highway do not stay in your car. Get out of it and get away from it until help arrives. The reason is that if you hit a patch of snow or ice and slid off the road you can bet that someone else will too, probably right in your tracks. If that someone is either travelling at a high rate of speed or is considerably larger than you, semi truck for instance, you could find yourself pinned in your car if you are lucky. Worse case would be getting killed.

That happened here is SE Idaho yesterday. A couple slid off the interstate in a full size dodge pickup. Husband got out to access the situation and left the wife in the warm, dry truck. Car hauling semi hit the same patch of ice and rolled on top of the pickup and smashed the cab. Wife died instantly.

Same advice holds true for a flat tire. Get as far off the road as possible and get everyone out of the car. Have someone stand watch while you change the tire. Better yet, join AAA and wait for them to show up with a truck and lights to change the tire for you while you wait safely at the ROW fence. State Police and Sheriffs deputies are always happy to perform a motorist assist and stay behind your vehicle with their rotating lights on for protection. Call em.

Be safe. Idaho

12-30-2007, 06:10 PM
if on a bike, watch for gravel or sand

12-31-2007, 05:18 PM
Idaho, That's some good advice! I'm a safety m,anage with the Air National Guard and I have a lot of videos showing the cop car getting hit while stopping behjind drunks or stranded motorists.


12-31-2007, 05:33 PM
I agree with idaho, get out if you can and get away from the accident. Because it doesn't usually stop there because too many people want to see what happened and the next thing you know there is another accident. Be safe out there guys.