View Full Version : Pipes - Need a change

03-19-2018, 07:14 PM
I am working on a complete customization of my bike - 2006 Vulcan Nomad (Pics when complete). As part of this I want to change the look of my Pipes. I currently have Cobra True Duels on it. I am going to wrap the header pipes, but I would like to add black mufflers.

I have heard that some Harley slip-ons fit stock pipes, but I think they have a smaller OD than my true duels. My header pipes are 1.75"

Any ideas. I think I can make an adapter to attach them as long as they have mounting brackets on the top like Vulcans.

I want good sound and pipes that come at least to the back of my tire. My true duels mufflers are 31 inches long

MAS Tequila
03-20-2018, 04:48 AM
They should be a direct fit.

03-20-2018, 08:11 AM
When you say they should be a direct fit, is that for the True Duels (1.75 OD) or a direct fit on stock pipes.

I'll be checking them out!


03-20-2018, 08:32 AM
After reading your post again, I am confused.
What should be a direct fit? Are you saying the 1.75 OD pipe is standard and all slipons should fit?

I was confused by your list of bikes. Are those bike you own/have owned or are those back who's slipons will fit my bike.

Sorry for the confusion


MAS Tequila
03-20-2018, 03:18 PM
They all are 1.75" headpipes, even on the HD.

I have had several pairs of HD mufflers all fit both Cobra and V&H pipes.

03-20-2018, 04:08 PM
I have a set of HD stock mufflers mounted on my Vance& Hines head pipes. All you'll have to do is fabricate an adapter bracket (1 for each muffler) to mount a set of HD mufflers. The hanging points on HD mufflers are more toward the end of the mufflers, compared to the hanging points on V&H or Cobra's.

03-20-2018, 07:43 PM
any year? late model? What model year did you purchase?

03-21-2018, 03:54 PM
I know from the EVO's up use a 1 3/4" OD head pipe, the ones on mine are off a 2013 Ultra Classic. I got them in 2013 off ebay, they were new take-offs, and from the looks of them, they had zero miles on them.

03-21-2018, 05:52 PM
Thanks for your help!!!

03-21-2018, 06:25 PM
You can pickup some aftermarket mufflers for the H-Ds that come in glasspacks, etc....skys the limit here. As you were told, they are all over Ebay, Amazon, bike bone yards, or just scour the swap meets.
Another option is get some of Chucksters Ultimate Baffles....will sound like a motorcycle then....

03-21-2018, 09:24 PM
I tried HD mufflers on my Cobra True Duals. Didn't fit without fabbing some adapters due to the angle of the headpipes to the mufflers. V&H headpipes seem to fit with the HD mufflers ok. I would like to rewrap the baffles to tone them down a bit, but they are welded in, so that isn't happening. I like the look of the Cobra's but I wish after almost 70K on them, that they were a bit quieter.